Games for Android |
 | BattleshipThe gamer (left field) plays against the app (right field). Each player has different ships on the 10x10 field - aircraft carriers, submarines, cruisers and sailboats. Each hit is accompanied by a sound, destroyed ships sink, but their outline remains visible.
Ships can be placed ... |
 | Tic-tac-toeThe player (X) plays against the Android App (O). The two players place their mark alternately on a 3 × 3 squares wide playing field. Who sets the first three of his characters in a row, column or main diagonal is the winner. |
 | Game15Place the 15 numbered square tiles in the correct order by moving them using the empty space. Several stones in a row or column can be moved together.
Idea / theory: |
 | Wolf and SheepWelcome to 'Wolf and Sheep'! It is a checkers-like logic Android game for two players. One player takes one black piece (the wolf), the other player four white pieces (the sheep).
The game is played on a chess board (only on the dark squares). Stones are moved diagonally to an adjacent ... |
 | Knight RaidFind a route for the chess knight to visit each of the chess board fields once.
Initially the board is empty. First click on the board to put the knight on a starting field, then move it from there to the next desired field (or click on it). Try making as many moves as possible. ... |
 | Tigers in cageFreedom for tigers!
Malicious guards hold tigers in a cage. Set tigers free and hide security guards from them in the same cage.
In a square box 5x5 there are 24 1x1 bars (one place is empty). On four bars the guards are drawn, on the other four bars the tigers are drawn and on sixteen ... |
 | Graph PuzzlesGraph Puzzles is a series of logical games. Graphs with a various number of nodes are used as the playing field.
Chips with numbers or letters are placed at the nodes of the graphs. The number of chips is one less than the number of nodes. The player moves each time a chip to the empty ... |
 | Tic-tac-toe 3-4-5The player (X) plays against the Android App (O). The two players place their mark alternately on a 3x3, 4x4 or 5x5 squares wide playing field. Who sets the first line of his characters in a row, column or main diagonal is the winner.
Skill level of your opponent (AI) can be adjusted. |
 | SquaresTwo players take turns connecting two adjacent dots with lines on the playing field. If a player completes the frame of a 1x1 box, he earns one point and can (and should) draw another line.
Once all the dots are connected, the player with the most points wins.
Using the traffic light the ... |
 | AtaxxAtaxx is a game on a square board (7x7 fields) for two players.
The gamer (white pieces) plays against the program (black pieces).
At the beginning of the game each player starts with two pieces; white begins.
When it is his turn, the gamer moves one of the white pieces one or two spaces ... |
 | TrihexThe playing field encompasses nine rings located on nine lines, three on each of them. Two players take turns placing chips of their color on one of the rings. At the beginning of the game you have four white chips, your opponent has four black chips. The winner is the first person to ... |
 | Chessmen ClubThe white pieces should be replaced by the black ones and vice versa.
At the beginning the white pieces occupy the left and the black pieces the right half of the board, one field in the middle is empty.
The objective of the game is to swap the pieces of different color so that all the ... |
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